Next Steps
We'd like to talk about our next goals for Monni, as we've recently finished the framework for our standard features.
The first thing we'd like to do is rework our Economy. We plan to change a lot in this update and add many new things too. This includes completely reworking the UI to support our mechanics.
One of these is the ability to enable/disable all economy commands and edit them as you desire. This will be important as we are adding a ton of new commands, including fun ones, to our Economy!
Also a quick note to mention before we move on: We are rebuilding our Simpukka system. This means our current system will no longer be supported, if it still exists. However we will try to ensure the new system contains everything the old did in terms of functionality.
User Premium
Well we've got to bring this up as we've been working on Monni for two years now. We've decided it's about time to take Monni seriously.
Though Guild premium is still a while away, we've added User Premium. This is a sort of donation that'll also give you access to some cool features in return. These include:
Donator role in the Support Server. You'll get access to the Donator channels. Less Tag tool limits. Let's you store information and retrieve it by name. Great as a "how to" tool. Less Monni Reminder limits. Let Monni remind you by setting a reminder with the command. General Ratelimit relief. Near non existent rate limits for you!
Also, we plan to add more in the future. We'd like to make it clear that we will never lock any existing features behind a paywall, and we aren't going to stop adding to our standard features. We plan for Guild premium to be a serious level above in terms of capabilities.
Lastly, we also have added a way to donate for anyone interested in aiding with development. You can check that out here!
- Removed discord linked roles. Doesn't work well and abandoned feature by discord.
- Changed just now to relative on the timestamp command.
- Fixed sticky roles issue where role was given on join.
- Fixed pets command bug where if you had 0 pets it would break.
- Added rate limits to point system saving. This should stabilize point system registering.
- Changed just now to relative on the timestamp command. More accurate wording.
- Moved tags and reminders to a new encrypted storage system.
- Added full translation support for reminders and tags.
- Added new system for making cooldowns and translations related to it.
- Large amount of internal changes to the bot to reduce future bugs.
- Payment system integration.