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5 posts tagged with "Discord"

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Grow your Discord Server!

· 7 min read
Monni Developer

So you’ve made a server and everything looks good, but you’ve still got an issue.  It’s lonely here…

Luckily, you’ve stumbled upon this guide, so relax! I’ve compiled what I’ve learned to make it quick and easy for you to get rolling.

Note: It’s not as hard as you think once you know what to do!

These are usually the first things that come to mind when trying to expand your server. Platforms like Disboard are people’s go to’s. 

However, there are necessary steps to take before this can be effective. If you neglect these, you won’t see much growth, if any at all!

How to find a Discord Guild ID

· One min read
Monni Developer

When troubleshooting problems it can be useful to know what server a problem is occurring in. One way to quickly locate a server is using the unique Guild ID given to each individual server.

Finding a Guild ID

Locating the Guild ID first requires turning on Discord's Developer Mode which enables options in menus that are primarily used to aid in working with the Discord API.

Discord hierarchy explained

· 5 min read
Monni Developer

Discord uses a hierarchy based permissions system for guild management. This is a powerful system, but the ability for hierarchies to overlap and overwrite each other creates a very complex and, at times, difficult-to-understand system. In the hierarchy, the position of a role matters. For example, kicking, banning, or changing roles cannot be done to a person higher than you in the hierarchy.


Administrators can bypass every other hierarchy permission, except for affecting people higher in the hierarchy.

Common pitfalls

Before we look at how the role hierarchy works in detail, let's go over a few common issues with the role hierarchy system.

Discord Markdown

· 5 min read
Monni Developer
Monni Developer

Discord has a built in markdown engine. Features of this engine range from typical markdown such as bold and italics to timestamps and code blocks.

Text Formatting

Italics*Italics* or _Italics_
Bold italics***Bold italics***

Different text formattings can be combined. For example you can combine underline and italics with
*__underline and italics__*.


Colored text on Discord

· 4 min read
Monni Developer

Discord has the capabilities to display colored text through code blocks and syntax highlighting. The library discord uses for highlighting is highlight.js. Code blocks also supports ANSI which offers a more controllable coloring experience.


Features discussed in this page aren’t currently supported on mobile!


Discord offers support for ANSI colored text through code blocks. To get started you need to copy the escape unicode character used (\u001b). To copy the raw character use the copy button below.

Now that you know how to copy the escape character, Let’s go over how the ANSI is structured. To be able to send colored messages you need to use the ANSI language on a code block. After that, you need to make sure to use the correct format as a prefix before your text. \u001b[{format code};{ansi code};{ansi code}m. We will go over the codes later on. To reset to default use the \u001b[0m prefix.

Example message with the \u001b character unescaped.

Red text with blue background.
